You play as Mojave, a hitman that works with the cartel to kill off anyone messing with them.
This story is based in New Mexico, where Mojave, (Real name: Ludovic Albescu,) a Romanian born assassin from Bucharest. He was charged with the homicide of his family that he didn't do. He works for a small cartel working on killing the people who wronged them, so he can get money to avenge his family..


Move Left, Left arrow. 

Move right, right arrow.

 jump, up arrow (main area only) and space bar.

Sneak: down arrow (main area only)

Shoot (main area only) click)

Shoot (everywhere else) enter

Developer: sladescar Publisher: Hyposyn Software

Hyposyn Studios
Release date Aug 08, 2023
AuthorHyposyn Studios
Tags2D, assassin, hitman
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Development log